Capacity Building

At Luminous Care, our Capacity Building Daily Activities are meticulously designed programs and therapies aimed at cultivating essential life skills, fostering confidence, and promoting independent living. This category encompasses professional services that empower individuals to build the skills required for a more autonomous and fulfilling life. Whether pursued individually or in a group setting, the allocated funding is dedicated specifically to this purpose, ensuring a focused and effective approach.

Assessment and Funding Allocation: The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) plays a crucial role in assessing individual needs and goals during planning meetings. This assessment helps identify the specific Capacity Building Supports that might be necessary. It's important to note that funding allocation may not cover all categories, emphasizing the tailored and personalized nature of the support provided.

What We Provide



Receive hands-on teaching on cooking, including health and safety practices within the home. Our programs empower participants with the skills needed to prepare nutritious and delicious meals, fostering independence in daily living.


Learn effective cleaning techniques and receive support on how to maintain a clean and tidy home environment. This includes practical guidance on organizing living spaces to promote an independent and comfortable lifestyle.


Gain assistance and support for budgeting and financial management. Our programs are designed to increase independence by providing the knowledge and skills needed to manage finances effectively.


Receive assistance and support for paying utility bills, ensuring participants have the necessary skills to manage their financial responsibilities independently.

Public Transport Training

Acquire the skills to use public transport safely and confidently. Our programs provide hands-on assistance and support, empowering participants to navigate public transportation systems independently.

Individual Skill Development

Receive personalized assistance in learning a range of skills to live as independently as possible. This includes tailored support to address specific needs and goals, fostering personal growth and autonomy.

Diverse Professional Support

Luminous Care's Capacity Building program encompasses a range of vital professional services and therapies. This includes audiologists, physiotherapists, developmental educator, and behavioral therapists. Each professional contributes to a tailored approach, addressing specific needs and enhancing overall well-being for participants. Whether focusing on mental health, physical rehabilitation, daily living skills, communication abilities, or behavioral challenges, our array of professional services ensures a comprehensive and individualized support system.


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